
Youth Group

At Grace First we want the youth to know that they matter and that they are gifted. Youth are empowered to claim their agency to live fully into what God has called them to be.  We create space and opportunities where youth can learn, nurture, plan, and fulfill their leadership roles in their faith journey. Youth presence and participation are not only needed but necessary to complete the whole body of Christ. They are valued and what they do matters. Sunday School, Intergenerational Worship, our monthly service commitment at COA, Youth Group, excursions and retreats are just some of the ways we come together to live as Christ’s disciples. Come and join us, all are welcome!

MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL – Sunday mornings at  9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
In Sunday School, we use the PC(USA)’s most recent curricula “Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living”. This curriculum dives into scripture and utilizes art, games, music, technology, movement, conversation, service and quiet reflection to dig deeper into our faith. We explore what it means to truly follow Jesus, and learn how we can put our faith and love into action. Faith develops as we practice following what Jesus did, embodied and taught. Sunday School is held every Sunday in the Youth Room (Room 401) except on the first Sunday of the month, which is Intergenerational Worship (IG Sunday) when everyone worships together.

YOUTH GROUP–Sunday evenings at 5 p.m.
Youth Group is comprised of both high school and middle school students. In Youth Group, we gather for fellowship, food, fun and games, and thought-provoking discussions. Knowing that adolescence is a time of developmental and faith growth, we know how different it can be from person to person. Questions of identity, belonging, and purpose are constantly explored as youth try and figure out their place among their friends and in the world. Through mutual compassion and understanding to grow and learn together, we encourage our youth to embody a life of service everyday and how it relates to their identity as disciples of Jesus Christ.  At the core of Youth Group are great friends, unforgettable experiences, and the encouragement that can only be found in a caring community. Join us in the Youth Room (Room 401) Sunday nights from 5-7 p.m.

For more information about the Grace First Youth Group and programs, please contact:
Nancy English-Fletcher, Director of Youth and Family Ministries
(562) 420-3393, ext. 27


Check out our latest pics from our Youth Group outings!

Sunday School

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs….” And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.
-Mark 10: 14, 16


Caring, loving caregivers take care of infants during service times so that parents can worship worry-free.

Each week children learn the stories of our faith and engage in meaningful activities and play based on the lessons.
For more information about the Grace First Children’s Ministry classes and programs, please contact:
Pastor Marion Park
(562) 420-3393, ext. 13

Summer Camps

Click on the links below for information or to register for the following summer camps:


Rock at the Point - formerly School of Rock (High School)

Vacation Bible School at Grace First

Vacation Bible School at Grace First


July 15-19, 10am - 4pm